Online money making, cash backs, rebates etc. have been very much hyped up for years now. I was aware of them but never really tried them before. It’s been few months I have started to use these money-making apps and sites, I am amazed to find that I am enjoying them. Before I did not believe them or I think I was lazy too but they are genuine, you can actually make money out of them. I have few hits and misses with these kinds of websites. I have tried many of them, few of them I stopped using because I was using too many and I stopped using other few because I was not feeling like doing it, in other terms I was lazy. When you start using these websites/apps you will come across lots of same kinds of websites/apps and it’s up to you if you want to keep them or not.  I have mentioned few of websites and apps which I am still using and already got cash few times from them. 


These days we can spend our money on the least expected things that we do not need and will throw or give away when we are spring cleaning. Don’t buy those things and you will definitely save the money. But there are many everyday necessities which we overlook and pay extra bucks even though we are not using them. There are many small things we ignore in our day to day life that is costing us huge sum in a long run. Recently I have realized that making few changes to my everyday utilities not only could save me money but will make me a wise consumer.


There are many college graduates out there who graduate with a big burden of debt and I have been one of them. When I finished my Bachelor’s degree I had so many plans and dreams like I would buy this that, I would go there do that and so on. I did not look for a job instead, I went for Master’s degree to add more debt into my life. From my experience what I suggest other is that after Bachelor’s degree do take a break, even if you don’t want just take a break for a year. If I would have taken that break, I would have done Masters degree in the different field. Anyway, I was so much in debt when I graduated and I did not get the job right away. After almost ten months of graduation, I finally landed on my first job, the job was great and worth the wait. During those ten months, I did some minimum wage jobs here and there as a part time because I was doing a full-time job hunting job which added more debt. I did not take a student loan, however, I maxed out all of my seven credit cards and was paying very high interest. 


It’s been many years I have been in and out of the horror of dandruff. As a kid, I do not remember having dandruff or any kind of hair problem. In my mid teen, my hair used to get greasy, itchy and white particles like dandruff would appear after third-day hair. Back then my hair was very silky, thick, strong and no problems at all, now my hair is like straw because of hair colors, highlights, bleach, hair relax and all other chemicals I put into it. These days I am trying to grow my natural hair without using any sort of chemicals. My hair at the root is soft and silky, but I do have other problems like hair fall, dandruff etc.


I love having plants in my home and office. I love it more when in it's in clear glass and I can actually see the roots, it really becomes eye-catching decor item. The picture above is the plant that I have in my home desk and have the same kind of plant in my office cube. I had this plant for more than a year now. Everybody notices this plant and find it pretty amazing. They think I bought it from some fancy store and might have cost some extra money, but I got it for free.


You can eat ramen noodles in so many ways. I think each individual has their own way of eating any instant noodles. Sometimes I just microwave a pack of noodles about 5 minutes and eat it with sriracha or roasted garlic sauce. Sometimes I will add veggies, egg or cooked chicken/pork/shrimp, microwave it or cook it in the pot. Mostly I fry ramen noodles and it tastes so good. It is very easy to make and you can cook it in no time. You can cook your whole lunch or dinner in 15-30 minutes. It depends upon what kinds of meat or vegetables you are using.


Where ever you go in this world, there are so many myths about the relationship aspects. Regardless of country, continent, race, there are always gender stereotypes in the relationship. Men have their own perspective about the women and women have their own perspective about the men. There are a very small number of relationships which do not have to go through survival issues. Those kinds of relationships are so natural and out of drama. We all deserve the best of the best in everything and most of us know that, but why don't we end up getting the best things in our lives? It's our thinking, our mentality keeps us away from the best things of our lives. Most of us don't know what we want and those of us who know what we want doubt about almost everything or aren't ready to accept those good things. In this post, I will give you a few examples of the myths and how it is affecting people’s life. However, there are many myths widely found in our society.