Where ever you go in this world, there are so many myths about the relationship aspects. Regardless of country, continent, race, there are always gender stereotypes in the relationship. Men have their own perspective about the women and women have their own perspective about the men. There are a very small number of relationships which do not have to go through survival issues. Those kinds of relationships are so natural and out of drama. We all deserve the best of the best in everything and most of us know that, but why don't we end up getting the best things in our lives? It's our thinking, our mentality keeps us away from the best things of our lives. Most of us don't know what we want and those of us who know what we want doubt about almost everything or aren't ready to accept those good things. In this post, I will give you a few examples of the myths and how it is affecting people’s life. However, there are many myths widely found in our society. 

When I talk to my female friends, they have a list of issues with their relationship and with guys; more surprisingly my male friends have the same issues concerning women. Male or female most of them created their own problems listening to other's problems or from their past experiences. From the childhood, they were raised to believe those relationship myths which they would always have in their subconscious mind. One of my girlfriend’s mother always told her daughters that guys are cheaters, she always had bad things to say about guys. My friend got horribly cheated by her partner and her sister is so scared being cheated that only quality she wants in her relationship is loyalty she even does not care about if the guy loves her or not. She is ready to work hard and take any responsibility for the whole family, the guy does not have to do anything he just should be faithful to her. That is horrible thinking. She deserves better than that, but who will convince her that? You should aim for a very prosperous relationship. You should aim for a relationship that has every possible best thing in it. If your aim is so low how can you expect to get so much in your life? 

One of my girlfriends was so convinced that guys will treat you well at the beginning of the relationship when time passes, they would not care about the relationship or the woman. She always had the best thing going at the beginning, but later no attention at all from her boyfriends. It would happen every time in her new relationship, she got what she believed. Not all relations go that way. There are so many couples whose life are romantic like when they first met or maybe more romantic. Later in the relationship many things come up like family, job, home, kids, finances etc. but just remember love is always there. 

I had a guy friend who always complained about women having too many expectations from men. Some men or women tend to have lots of expectations from their partners. But how come every time he dates he end up with such women. Even if the girl is very selfless and does not expect anything from him, he would think I can't reach to her expectations, get discouraged and frustrated leading him to break up with that lovely girl he might or might not find again. Such a sad story, so stop feeding your minds with stereotypes of relationship.

You will be able to get in your perfect relationship when you let yourself above all these myths that society lets you believe because they had a bad experience. Do let anybody change your mind about a relationship. Your friend's husband/wife cheated, don't start to think what if the same thing might happen to you. Remember you are not them and your partner is not he/she. Create your own visions about the relationships without prejudice from friends, family, community and your past. 

Your past does not define your future. You are the sole creator of your future. You have to learn from the past that does not mean you have to bring baggage from your past. Do not bring your sufferings and disappointments from your old relationships to new relationships. Remember you were with the different person before, now you are with the different person. It should be like entering into a whole new world and new you when you are entering into a new relationship. Don't categorize your partner in him or her category, they are the individual person and they have their own traits. Appreciate every little thing around you and take good care of yourself so that you can take good care of things around you. 

Maybe it's a law of attraction in its act that many people are getting what they are scared of or what they don't want. Anyway just focus on what you want. 

  1. Believe you deserve fairy tale love life. Seriously.
  2. Trust yourself and your partner.
  3. Love, respect, understand, support your partner and do same to yourself.
  4. Do not be a busybody, mind your own business.
  5. Do not judge everything about your partner, do not judge at all. He/she is just being himself/herself with you. Cherish that.
  6. Do not compare your life, relationship, and your partner with others. 
  7. Keep yourself busy so that you won't think unnecessary things.
  8. Take an advice from everyone but make your own decision.
  9. Genuinely believe that you can have the best of the bests. 

There are lots of good people out there and you can have one.

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