My first piercing was an ear lobe piercing, which I don't remember. When I was in high school, I added two more piercing on my upper lobe at the same time. They healed pretty much well. Before starting college, I did my nose piercing, which was good at first but it got worst later.During the sophomore year, I did my helix, very painful until it healed completely. When I started my professional job, I did my tragus. It was very painful from the moment when I sat on the artist chair. She clamped my ear - pain, more pain during piercing, extreme pain during healing. I totally loved my piercing that's what motivated me to endure all the pain till I healed them. 

​Nose piercing - I pierced my nose with the gold ring by a professional. My sister and I did at the same time. She could not bear the pain and she took it off within a month. I had to change it to nose stud after few days for some reason. Then I realized blood and pus coming out of it. I tried to keep it clean, used all kinds of pharmaceutical stuff/medicines to heal it. It became worst. Then there was kind of round lump on my nose. I was scared I went to a doctor. They examined it like it was some big deal. Made me lie down for almost an hour. Finally, they send me home suggesting I should use rubbing alcohol to clean it and use  Neosporin. No help at all. Lump on my nose became so big that I had to use nose ring again. During my summer break, I used turmeric and mustard oil mixture around it. I did it on break so that I can stay at home and do not gross out people. Within 3 days my there was no pus no blood and no lump. It was a miracle. It took me 7 months to heal my nose piercing. 

​Helix piercing - I did my helix at Claire's. It did not feel anything for a few days. I think it got infected while changing clothes, bathing, sleeping etc. Every day I used cleaning solution they give at Claire's twice a day. I washed my pillow sheets then dipped them in rubbing alcohol and dried them. Never touch them with my hand, hair or anything else except cotton swab dipped in the cleaning solution. I never went out when it was raining or windy. I was so careful, don't know how this happened. Did every possible thing that any professional would suggest to heal it, no luck. Then I decided to do what I did to heal nose. I wore a same gold nose ring and applied turmeric and mustard oil mixture every now and then. I don't remember now long it took to heal, but it healed my piercing completely. Before this, it would heal for few days or few weeks but never healed completely. It took me almost a year to heal it completely.

​Tragus piercing - I did my tragus at the local tattoo and piercing shop. Piercing was painful and it bled bad. People at the shop said bleeding is normal, so it did not bother me a lot. It was so painful that I had swelling around my ear, cheeks and neck. I could hardly talk or eat because of pain and swelling. I ate painkillers for a few days. Their suggestions for piercing were not to touch the pierced area, clean it with soap and water, wipe it with rubbing alcohol, use Neosporin or over the counter drugs in case of infection, do not take ear stud before two weeks etc.  I followed everything they said. Using alcohol made my ear dry and it looked I had dandruff in my ear and it was not helping my healing process. I started using tea tree oil. After three months of piercing, it seemed like I have healed it. But no, after a week there was blood and pus. Neosporin spray healed it for days, but then there was a lump and all those nasty stuff overall again. I wanted to do my old healing trick of gold and turmeric paste. I was working at a corporate office and according to the rule book piercing was not allowed. Wearing ring would make it more visible. Anyways I could not take it any longer. I remember I had my friend, poke the ring though my lump. She tried, but it was very difficult to get it through. I was so sad I have to let go my tragus piercing. That night I used turmeric paste. Next day it seemed a little bit healed, so I tried to insert the ring in piercing myself. It took me a lot of courage, pain, and patience to do that. It took longer to heal because I had to hide my ear with my hair and I could only use turmeric paste during weekends. I strictly followed cleaning routine  all the way through my healing process. The itching was the worst part of all for this piercing. It took me more than a year to heal it.

​It's been a few years my all piercings are healed. I no longer have to wear pure metals like silver or gold. I can wear any metals I want. I can sleep either side of my head.


Be patience.Keep it very clean. (Over cleaning with alcohol and soap might make it dry and itchy.)​Use antiseptic. (Turmeric, tea tree oil, turmeric + mustard oil, turmeric + tea tree oil are my best.)​Use a pure form of metal as a jewelry until you heal your piercing.



  1. Hii my tragus piercing is infected.. I am suffering from a lot of pain and it bleeds sometimes.. Will turmeric and mustard oil treat this for sure!

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