Green cilantro is widely found in our kitchen. It is a wonderful garnish and gives an amazing flavor to our food. But have you thought of cilantro being helpful to your skin? Well, it is very helpful for healthy glowing skin. Healthy skin does not only come from skin care, it is also what you eat and how you spend your day. 

Treatment for Blackhead and Acne
Cilantro juice helps to get rid of blackheads and acne. Add a spoon of cilantro juice to any of your DIY face pack or simply use cilantro juice or mix it with lemon juice, and apply it to your face.

Treatment for Oily Skin

Cilantro absorbs excess oil from your face. Apply cilantro juice or paste to your whole face or just around the T-zone where most of the people get oil, and wash it off after 20 min- 1hr.

Use for anti-aging

Cilantro contains lots of antioxidants which prevent from damaging the skin cells. And vitamin A and C in cilantro prevent signs of aging like wrinkles, sagging skin and pigmentation. Use cilantro leaves and egg white mask for a facelift.

Lightens dark lips

Apply cilantro juice to lighten your lips. Mix cilantro juice with lemon juice, and apply it overnight. Do it every day to get smooth pink lips.

Use for skin disorders

Cilantro is a natural antiseptic and anti-fungal agent. It helps in dermatitis and eczema. It also contains the anti-microbial element that can prevent and cure smallpox. 

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing your perspective. It can seem as easy as 1, 2, 3
