I have been moving my whole life. When I was with my parents I moved because of their jobs; now because of my job. My parents used to rent a commercial truck, hire helpers or hire movers. Everything seemed so easy back then. I even did not pack my own stuff, my mom did it for me. Now the moving is not so much fun and many times it is a nightmare when I have no help at all. I have been living on my own for almost ten years now. I had so many ideas for my apartment /house, but I hardly bought anything more than I really needed.  I thought that would be a waste of money if I am not able to take them with me. I used to throw or give away my belongings. These days I buy whatever I like and sell them instead. When I started selling my belongings I hardly sold anything and hardly got the money I wanted. When I left my last apartment, I sold almost everything within two weeks and made more money than I expected. I even made a profit on some of the furniture after using them for almost two years. Keep reading for my tips and tricks for selling everything before moving.


Take good pictures of the items you are selling. Do not edit your picture too much that buyers will think that you are trying to fool them with the edited pictures. Keep it real. Always clean items and make them look pretty before taking a picture. Also, do not show your mess in those pictures. Buyers are likely to buy from clean home than from dirty and home. It will affect your selling price so much. Buyers are likely to pay more for clean items. And many items look like new after cleaning. I had sold many items whose price I doubled after cleaning and taking good pictures of them. Post more than one picture of your item.

Selling Apps/Websites: 

Don’t just list your items in one app or one website. Research the best app suitable for you, apps that are popular in your city. The app might be popular on the internet but may not be popular in the place where you live. I signed up for all the app/websites that were popular on the internet. After a few days, I deleted my account from apps that were not widely used in my city. I kept three most used apps of my city and posted everything I was selling in all of them. I used Offerup, Letgo, and 5 miles. Facebook is also popular for selling and buying old stuff these days. 


Many people neglect craigslist these days and only use other mobile apps. Do not make that mistake. There are still many people who use Craigslist, especially people who are looking for used items. I sold my 80% of belonging from Craiglist. I was so surprised that buyers from Craiglist did not try to bargain, they just paid listed price and they were the people who actually showed up even though it was days later. From other apps you will get lots of messages, they will bargain a lot and mostly won’t show up. I think people who are using these other apps are mostly browsing people or window shopping. I did sell from other apps too, but Craigslist is the best for selling your used furniture, kitchen wares etc.


When I first started selling on the internet, I used to have a low price for my items after all they were used items. But buyers’ asking price would be 80%-40% less than the listed price. I got so frustrated that I changed my listing price 50-60% up than I had initially listed. And yes, I did get more money than I initially expected. If you have a lower price for your items, buyers would think those are not good and won’t be ready to give you a good price. If you listed same items for the higher price, buyers would think the items are good and would pay you a good price. This is insane. 

Always list different prices in different apps. Increase your item’s price if there are lots of buyers and decrease the price if there are not any serious buyers or no buyers at all.

Communication with buyers: 

Buyers’ texts, calls, and emails are very important. Sometimes you have to be very prompt otherwise buyers will lose interest in your item. Even if buyers are giving you the price you are okay with, but you think you can get more than that then wait or tell them you have to think. 


You will get lots of buyers who are frauds and not serious buyers. So be very careful to recognize those buyers. Some buyers would say that they are out of town, will send you a money order and movers will pick. Big NOs to those kinds of buyers. Don’t hold on to buyers who will tell you they will next week or few days. I did hold for those kinds of buyers many times and they never showed up or replied me. Keep on talking to other buyers who are offering you the same or better money. First come, first served. Be careful, always inquire whom you let in your home. 


Timing is also very important factor for selling items for a better price and quickly. I suggest you if you when you are leaving the place start posting, you’re a month before or at least 2 weeks before. In this way, you can sell your items for the best price. If you list your item at the last moment, then you will just have to give them a very low price or just give them for free or trash the items. When I was selling my apartment items, there were many buyers who said they have to wait for their next paycheck. So keep in mind from the beginning of the month or second-third week of the month. If you are moving tomorrow, don’t hold on to your price give whatever is the buyers’ price, otherwise you will end up trashing your belongings. 

Maintain condition of your belongings: 

If you know you are selling your items, try to maintain their condition as good as possible. Carefully use your items. Keep them clean. If you spilled something on your table or couch, don’t just wait for the weekend to clean them, clean them right away so that you won’t degrade them. I take care of my belongings not only for the reason that one day I am selling them, also because I want my home to be clean and presentable all the time. 

These days you can literally sell any used items on the internet. I sold everything from my apartment. Don’t hesitate to click that picture of your item and post to the website. It’s okay if they are very old some people will pay for those too because there are many people who cannot afford what you can afford. If you think you cannot sell your very old item, then just list them as free. There are many needy people who will take them. I have trashed so many things in the past that I feel bad. If your house/apartment is bed bug infested, please throw your belongings don’t ruin somebody’s life for a few bucks. 

If you do not wish to or could not sell by yourself, you can always contact local flea market or used good sellers. They will take your furniture and give you some percent of selling price when your furniture is sold. 

If you have space in your vehicle while moving or if it is possible take  few things with you, then do it. You will have to buy them again in your new place anyway. 

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