Online money making, cash backs, rebates etc. have been very much hyped up for years now. I was aware of them but never really tried them before. It’s been few months I have started to use these money-making apps and sites, I am amazed to find that I am enjoying them. Before I did not believe them or I think I was lazy too but they are genuine, you can actually make money out of them. I have few hits and misses with these kinds of websites. I have tried many of them, few of them I stopped using because I was using too many and I stopped using other few because I was not feeling like doing it, in other terms I was lazy. When you start using these websites/apps you will come across lots of same kinds of websites/apps and it’s up to you if you want to keep them or not.  I have mentioned few of websites and apps which I am still using and already got cash few times from them.