In a hot summer, one would love to have the freshness of mints in their drinks, foods, body wash, shampoo, toothpaste and so on. Today, mints are widely used for flavoring. Not knowing any benefits of mints we just grab the mint flavored stuff because we love that tingly sensation given by mints. Knowing some health benefits of mints can make us love mints even more.

Improves Digestion: We use mint to garnish. It is a great appetizer and palate cleanser. It helps with good digestion by the soothing stomach. It relieves Irritable Bowel Syndrome. Take a mint tea when you are feeling sick to your stomach.  

Relieves Nausea and Headaches: The refreshing smell of mint could be effective to avoid nausea. Cooling effects of Mint balms can give relief from headaches.  

Relieves Respiratory Disorder, Coughs, and Asthma: The strong smell of mint could help in clearing up nasal congestion, sore throat, bronchi, and lungs. Mint soothes throat, nose and respiratory channels, which relieves the coughing. Mint is a good relaxant and congestion reliever, it can be very beneficial for asthma patients.

Helps to Ease Stress and Depression:  Aromatherapy uses mint extract to reduce stress and revitalize the mind. Mint fumes release a small amount of serotonin in the brain that helps to beat depression. Use mint extract or mint leaves in your bath or vaporizer; simple smells them to get mental relief. It also helps to sleep and relieves fatigue too.

Helps to Maintain Oral Health: Mint has anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. It keeps teeth and tongue clean, kills bacteria and prevents from tooth decay as well as from bad breath. Chewing mint leaves regularly can keep your dental heath good.

Relieves Menstrual Cramps: Drinking a hot cup of mint tea during menstruation is great for ladies. Mint purifies the blood and have an anti-spasmodic effect on the muscles. It will make you feel relaxed and helps in PMS.

Helps with Morning Sickness and Breastfeeding: Some expectant mother goes crazy with their hormones during the first few weeks of their pregnancy. Since it helps indigestion, pain, and stress, it is the best natural remedy for pregnant women to overcome morning sickness. Eating mint leaves, drinking mint tea or smelling crushed mint leaves will make morning sickness go. Studies have shown that mint oil can reduce the nipple cracks and nipple pain, which might be the problem for some women.

Helps to Get Healthy and Acne Free Skin: Mint is a good antiseptic. It helps in cleansing skin and removing impurities and bacteria from the skin. It cures infections, itchiness reduces pimples and also treats insect bites. Mint oil can be used for bug repellent or even to keep out the mouse from your home.

Helps to Lose Weight: Many weight loss recipes include mint as their key ingredient. Mint stimulates the digestive enzymes that absorb nutrients from food and ingest fat turning it into usable energy. 

Boosts Immunity: Mint has nutrients like calcium, phosphorous, Vitamin C, D, E and a small amount of Vitamin B complex. These compounds keep away from infections and inflammation improving the body’s immune system.

Fights Cancer: Some research has shown that mint has certain chemicals, which prevents from skin, colon and lung cancer. 

Helps Against Memory Loss: Some research explored that mint has alertness, retention, and cognitive function. 

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