Having some belly fat is normal; everybody has it, even the people with flat abs. Visceral fat- fat around the heart, lungs, liver and other organs, which provides cushioning around organs is the topic of concern here. We need some visceral fat, but having too much of it might get us high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, dementia, heart disease, and cancers like breast and colon cancers. Research show that extra fats in our body make harmful substances. You can know the amount of visceral fats in your body CT scan or MRI. Generally, if you are women your waist size should be less than 35 inches and if you are men then your waist size should be less than 40 inches. These numbers are approximations, there are many relative factors to it. If you would like to get your accurate number ask your doctor.

It is very important to watch out fats that your body is creating. Do not blame to any particular thing or person about it, you are the full responsible for what you do to your body. There are few things you can watch to maintain or reduce your unnecessary belly fats. With all fancy foods and lifestyles of yours, it’s hard to maintain the rules of healthy body and brain. But keep on trying and follow following suggestions.

1. Diet: Keep yourself hydrated. Drink adequate amount of water. Sometimes you feel hungry because you are not drinking enough amount of water. Do not skip meals, eat in small portions, eat often, and eat healthy food. Eat raw vegetables, fruits, whole grains, lean meat, healthy fats, fish, and nuts. We are what we eat, so control what you eat if you can. Do not snack on junk foods. If you feel like eating out or eating fast food, you can do it but not often. If you eat those kinds of unhealthy food eat twice the healthy food that day. Do not starve yourself. Do not feel guilty of what you eat. Always think positive, and positive things will happen to you. Maintain your goal and act accordingly. If you are eating and living right, you don’t need to take supplements.

2. Exercise: Exercise is very important to maintain your physical and mental health. Join a gym, yoga classes, aerobics, Zumba etc. If you can’t do so, then just keep yourself active. Do house chores, walk around, take the stairs instead of elevators, just don’t stay idle all the time. Shed some sweat, make yourself breathe heavily at least 30 mins a day and 4-5 days a week.

3. Sleep: Many studies and researches have shown that adequate sleep can save you from many physical and mental diseases. Giving body proper rest is part of our healthy living. Have a good night sleep 6 to 8 hours of sleep for adults, and have power naps if necessary but do not sleep right after your meal.  Sleep disorder does hormonal changes (cortisol, epinephrine, ghrelin, leptin) that promotes appetite and weight gain, and that damage the body's ability to balance blood-glucose levels. 

4. Stress Management: Stress and anxiety can cause excessive production of the hormone cortisol, which leads to weight gain and excessive belly fats. Stress has other many disadvantages too. So, try to calm yourselves. There are so many ways of stress management, follow them strictly and live healthy happy life. 

To reduce belly fat and to get rid of many health problems simply follow above mentioned rules. Eat right and exercise you will get control over your health. Overall, don't get frustrated if you do not see the results at once. It takes time and strong will power. Have patience and enjoy your life. You are always beautiful as you are but you need to be healthy. 

1 comment:

  1. I must say, I thought this was a pretty interesting read when it comes to this topic. Liked the material. . . . .
