Cilantro is one of the famous garnishes available in our kitchen. It is cheap and adds flavor to every other dish we make. These days cilantro is getting popular in green smoothies and green juicing. It is widely available and easy to grow in our backyard or even in a pot or in any container. Its seed also adds flavor to our meals. It is a very healthy herb. It is loaded with Vitamin A, C, E and K; has minerals like iron, calcium, magnesium, manganese, zinc, phosphorus and selenium; and has more antioxidant than other fruits and vegetables.  Some of its health benefits are described below.

Heavy metal detox: It is used as a heavy metal detox agent, to detoxify mercury, aluminum, and lead. Make a concentrated cilantro juice and mix with Chlorella powder, and drink an ounce of the mixture every day. It will improve the brain power.

Improves cardiovascular health: This herb is cholesterol free and rich in antioxidants, vitamins, and dietary fiber, which help in lowering bad cholesterol and increasing good cholesterol levels. It helps people suffering from atherosclerosis and heart diseases by dissolving cholesterol build up in the arteries.

Maintains Blood Pressure: High potassium and low sodium ratio available in it helps to control heart rate and blood pressure. It reduces hypertension by lowering blood pressure.

Helps with Digestion: It relieves indigestion problems by enabling digestive tract to produce digestive enzymes. Also, stimulates digestion through peristaltic action. It is a good source of fiber which helps with gastrointestinal problems.

Anti-diabetes: Regular intake of cilantro juice controls the level of insulin in the body lowering the blood sugar.

Anti-inflammatory and Anti-oxidant properties: Anti-inflammatory properties of cilantro can relieve inflammatory conditions like arthritis, reduces minor swelling, and prevents from conjunctivitis. Anti-oxidant properties of this herb delay aging, preventing chronic diseases later on in life.

Antibacterial and Anti-fungal Properties: Antibiotic properties of cilantro help in killing the food-borne bacteria and helps to keep dental health in good condition. Antimicrobial properties make cilantro useful for treating fungal, bacterial or yeast infections

Helps in Weight Loss: Cilantro is good for obese people or people who are trying to lose weight to lose fats.

Treats Anxiety: This herb helps in calming the nerves, which aid in relieving anxiety and reducing damaging effects of stress. Thus, helps in peaceful sleep.

Other Benefits: Helps in maintaining bone health, immunity, and eyesight. Helps in insomnia, anemia,  mouth ulcers and kidney stones. Treats menstrual disorders. It acts as a natural deodorant and has other many skin care and hair care benefits.

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