By now you pretty much know about Feng Shui. I am not Feng Shui professional neither did I seek out any professional to do Feng Shui of my apartment. I did online research about Feng Shui and applied it to my life and environment. I gave it a try and I loved it. Also, planning to consult Feng Shui or Vastu expert before getting my new home. But for now, I am happy with what I discovered online. It is said that if you do wrong Feng Shui it might affect you in a negative way, so you should be careful while doing it by yourself. Feng shui had really changed my life positively and here are the reasons. 

Social Life

I knew of my current city when I got the job. I have no friends or family. For some reason, I do not prefer to hang out with my office buddies after the office hour. It's been 18 months and I got no visits from anyone, neither I got a chance to go anywhere. Then I changed my living room furniture so that I would be facing towards the door. After three days my friend and her boyfriend drove 6 hours to see and my new city. They stayed for a few days. After that, I often get friends and family from other cities.

Clean and Clutter-free home

My home has never been so much clutter free before. And I kept on maintaining my place that way. It was easy because my space was so much more open. Before Feng Shui, my apartment was clean but seemed a little bit cluttered and I would wait till weekend do work around the home. I no longer keep my dishes overnight.Everything has its place and I keep them in their place right away. I also read Kon Mary's book Magic of tidying up to help with cleaning. I loved loved the book.  I donated and threw so many things which were like baggage to me. Feng Shui focuses on having a clean and green environment. I added plants to my apartment. Smell of incense and essential oils; diffuser or opening windows for fresh air, opening curtain every morning for a light, plants, no clutter, very clean apartment makes me so much happier. 


I am a contractor. My project was already done, but my employer said they might have another long-term project. Unfortunately, they had the budget problem and they gave me my last date - next week. I was so worried, it is so hard to find a job these days in my career. I wished I had a few more months there. Then I got an indoor fountain as a Feng Shui cure. It was looking nice in my apartment, so I thought why not. A few days later, my manager told me they have one small project for me and that they are still thinking about the long-term project too. Anyways, I got a few more months in that company. 


I wanted to go on a vacation for so long. In Feng Shui, you have an area where it is meant for travel and helpful people. I enhanced that area thinking that I would go on a vacation. And I did travel around the country vacationing after years I guess. 

Everything might be just a coincidence, but following Feng Shui really made me happy and positive. 


Here are the few things I bought to enhance my Feng Shui experience.

Indoor Water Fountain: It is Feng Shui cure for career enhancement. I love the sound of water that it makes, it looks amazing in my living room, acts as humidifier as well as it beneficial from the health perspective.

Angel Figurine: I added it in my travel and helpful people bagua, it is supposed to help with mentors and helpful people. This figurine from very elegant and suits my home decor.

Mandarin Ducks on Lotus Leaf: the Very cute pair of rose quartz mandarin ducks on an aventurine lotus leaf to enhance love and romance.

More: Sage, Incense, Laughing Buddha statue, Tibetan bell, lucky bamboo plant, golden pothos, crystals like citrine, clear quartz, rose quartz, amethyst, aventurine etc.

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